
Traveling to Singapore cover image

March 13, 2017

Traveling to Singapore

First time traveling to another country.

Credit Card Death cover image

October 6, 2016

Credit Card Death

The idea of puns and credit card debt(Death) as debt can lead to death drafted on a napkin.

Ways to make money from your website cover image

April 14, 2016

Ways to make money from your website

We’ll be talking on ways to get some cash back from just having a website online.

New toy: URL shortener using YOURLS cover image

April 7, 2016

New toy: URL shortener using YOURLS

A little introduction to URL shorteners. Setting up custom domain

On writing blog posts cover image

April 7, 2016

On writing blog posts

Practice makes perfect or in another way to see it, write a lot to get xp then level up.

Game storyline with false gods cover image

February 5, 2016

Game storyline with false gods

The game storyline involves a God like figure at the beginning then ends up to be the main antagonist or false at the end.

How can we consider ourselves “Experts” cover image

February 5, 2016

How can we consider ourselves “Experts”

Pondering about buzzwords and hype instead of things that actually work.

So many games so little time: Plants vs Zombies cover image

October 14, 2015

So many games so little time: Plants vs Zombies

A highly addictive and fun tower defense game where you strategically place plants to fend off waves of zombies.